Production site, classic: SFTP: user: lawsonsfinest-terri (not yet active)
1. Add code to display placards within Taproom page under the fourth or fifth image “Packaged Beer in Stock.” I’ve asked their marketing person Alana to copy the placard image URL into a custom field in the beers page. I wrote the desired display code in the file Chameleon/includes/placards.php. I’ll give you FTP access later.
I had this code in mind:
Convert to WordPress. To be “live” by end of May or sooner.
- Ready to install the pro version of, Please review export files, adjust database field types and relationships, and prepare for us to be able to input titles, published dates, and permalinks as needed.
- I’ve asked another colleague to copy and paste the archive static pages using “full temporary URL” image URLs, i.e. I will hope that these convert properly to the domain name upon launch. I will do the follow-up, though, if needed.
- You code the pages to display custom fields. I will do CSS. will send login via email
Editor: whether to use classic, block or either where sensible. I have since had a not-so-good experience playing around with the lodging page with the new editor, mainly because it pulls CSS from plugin style sheets. (Two column nature of site lends itself to blocks/columns.) We will display press as a single column going forward. We are keeping open the option to display seasonal “pieces” within the pages using a PHP block.
1. The most complex section of the admin: News, Press Releases–Custom posts
- Authors/user dropdown.
- Press Release Weeks dropdown (newest at top for convenience)–*combined with “show schedule.”
- Old and new on same format, tables have been combined. I’ll take care of styling; dropped 2006 and earlier.
- Character set issues on older posts
*Added a column for year within the Show Schedule table knowing it could be removed if not needed. Changed Press Release Week IDs in Press Release tables to reference the 2013-1W –type week code in the Show Schedule table.
The News page subtitles want to display like follows:
id year display within page dropdown list display
1 2007 Press Releases prior to the start of the 2007 Circuit 2007 – Press Releases prior to the start of the 2007 Circuit
2 2007 Week 1 – Vermont Summer Special 2007 – Week 1 – Vermont Summer Special
8 2007 Press Releases after the finish of the 2007 Circuit 2007 – Press Releases after the finish of the 2007 Circuit
and I believe those labels and dropdowns can be created/parsed from what we have in the Show Schedule table, or at least something acceptable can be.
PRESS RELEASES, older and newer 2012+
There are two things I don’t know how to set up correctly in the custom fields:
- How to import the date field into “published on” date.
- How to set the PressReleaseWeek custom field to reference the Show Schedule table title field.
Existing Press posts will reference a photo filename and need a path specified. The new ones should use a featured image. So, can the code ask an if statement, if the photo file field is not blank, use it and/or if a featured image exists, use it. I can hide the photo file field once all the old data is imported.
2. Show Schedule: When they enter the first GUID, the Results page changes to current year. If this can’t work, we can use a different method, likely manual.
3. Lodging page: pull from lodging table to reflect current page. As I noted, I have pages going for both classic and block editors.
Sponsors–perhaps carousel at bottom of home. Or as is fine, too. We’ll consider this task mine unless you have a sponsor carousel to suggest.
Pages–I’ve converted. However, some contain seasonal content which would be nice to swap in and out with a widget or shortcode.
- Prize–has multiple pieces, only some seasonal
- Contact Page–add contact widget seasonally as sidebar or include/shortcode within body. If sidebar, break page to pull Directions out to separate page.
Image notes:
- If the path currently contains “pdf” such as, it will need to change to (I believe I added all these images to the admin.)
PDF Uploads–not needed, can be done from within the pages.
Action Icons–I will incorporate in header right.
Nav Menu and Nav Archives can be handled normally through WordPress.
For reference, project underway with Kim:
Is there a way to force WordPress to open external links in a new window?
Can we hide certain admin nav sections without a plugin, i.e. Comments?
How can more custom fields be shown in admin summary views for custom posts? Not critical, only handy.
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